06 May 2012

Me at My Best

Or should it be 'Me and My Mess'? I finally cleaned my room sometime earlier this week, I can't really remember.  It was in a terrible state, especially after last weekend, it got worse. I left my bouquet of roses on the bed tray from 2 weeks ago!

My desk\working space. I know this is the only area of the room that can be accepted to be in shamble but I don't work on the table. And look at my M&M dispenser, it's empty now. About 2kgs worth of it in 2 months! Not too bad eh?

My bed end stand\make up spot. Or so it was? It has everything from chocolate to train tickets from Italy, iphone pouch to coinbox and etc. 

My 'walkway'. On the left side of the plug point is the door, sometimes I honestly don't know how could I walk around in my room. I get comfortable in my mess, yeah, and I get used to it. I sleep in this mess! But don't call me messy, please? Call me... artsy!

I can just come home and take off my pants hope to bed wake up the next day and my pants would still be in the same position where I just had to stand into the legholes and pull my pants up! It's all about one step less - Rules of a Minimalist.

More bags, more bras, more water and paper. 

Things by the window, my paint\dye\get-dirty shirt on the radiator, a few over toasted (clean) panties from the last time I did laundry, chocolates, round mirror to do my face in the morning and ya, you can see for yourself what's by the window.

May I present to you a closer view of what's there, I have my plushies - Say hi to bad boy! - chocolates, scissors and err, a piece of news article? No idea how it got there. I was probably cutting it out while I was stalking my african neighbour and left it there when it was done.

So after uncluttering my room, I vacuumed the place and moved my table to the middle of the room again. I was hoping that it would encourage me to do proper work on a proper place, but I went back to the bed that very night.

XO - Me in my room today

I also made a healthy dinner for myself. I threw in a handful of wholewheat fusili and some stick carrots (carrots are good for the eyes carrot are good for the eyes carrot are good for the eyes) to boil for a little bit before I stir them up with bolognese sauce. While this was all going on, I had my Levi's style chicken breast (chicken breast is low in saturated fat chicken breast is low in saturated fat chicken breast is low in saturated fat) cooking in the oven. Then I popped in the shower for a rinse while I toast the bread. Now, who says I can't multitask? My brother did actually, just last night. I was eating healthily for the sake of making that day as normal as my life should be. By normal, a (always) clean room with a decent sleep cycle, healthy, goes to church or has proper moral values (not that I dont) & well, other normal stuff. But knowing I can barely keep a routine long enough, I can only do it every now and then. And that now and then happens to have happened this week.

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